Nephrology is a specialization of internal medicine that handles the treatment of diseases that affect the kidneys. In addition to being proficient in treating diseases of the kidney, the nephrologist is also well-versed in how such kidney diseases or dysfunctions affect other vital organs or organ systems of the body. Though a primary care specialist might be able to help prevent and treat the early stages of kidney disease, a professional nephrologist will be required to guide the diagnosis and treatment of the severe complications related to kidney diseases. Dr. Yogesh K. Chhabra is the most trusted healthcare facility when it comes to treating both acute and chronic kidney diseases. Their team of expert nephrologists uses modern medical equipment and techniques to treat patients with different kidney diseases. With a state-of-the-art dialysis unit that has modern equipment and facilities that help in the treatment of kidney dysfunction that arises from nephrological diseases, Dr. Yogesh K. Chhabra, Delhi is the hospital of choice for any ailment. The hospital operates round the clock, at full capacity.
For more details please contact us at +919711150070
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